Articles tagged with: WinMix

WinMixSoft new web-site

14 August 2014

We are glad to present our new web-site and hope it would be usefull for our clients.

We plan to post a lot of video tutorials upon our product`s functions. If you have questions about any specific function let us know and we will make video tutorial about it.

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How to use Enzymes in WinMix

06 August 2014 New Features

In order to take into account enzyme influence in a recipe it is necessary to set information about enzyme to database – how it influences, what nutrient values are increased and how exactly (in %).

Enzymes affect certain raw materials and animals in different ways, so enzyme influence depends on the animal digestibility and RM. Therefore this information about enzyme influence should be entered separately.

Contribution column.

09 January 2013 New Features

Contribution Column very useful when you want to see clearly how you get such nutrients values in the recipe.

By choosing a specific nutrient in the recipe, you can see in thr contribution column first figure, what raw materials in what quantities given this nutrient in the recipe, the second figure in parentheses shows the total amount of this nutrient in the raw material. 

Open premix, Premix roll out.

09 December 2012 New Features

Premix can be created by exrtacting from main recipe and saved as separate recipe and as one raw material for further use.

Open premix allows to open in new window the recipe of premix instead of one raw material.

Premix roll out function allows to expand the full content of premix instead of one raw material a recipe.

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