WinMix.Cattle - module for calculation of balanced rations for cows.

Basic Features:

    • Calculate proper nutrients requirements according to your animal parameters:
      • weight of animal
      • days and number of lactation
      • milk production
      • milk fat and protein
    • Create premix, additive or concentrate based on choosen raw materials in ration
    • Save any part of ration as one raw material
  • Covering value displays the deviation from the desired value
  • Simultaneous displaying of raw materials and nutrients values in two types of representations - in dry matter and in product.
  • Contribution column allow to see clearly how you get such nutrients values in the ration.
  • Professional printout
  • Export in .pdf, .xls and other formats
  • Convenient data search.

WinMix.Cattle First steps Tutorial

WinMix.Cattle Downloads

WinMix.Cattle Advantages:

  • Balanced rations according the norms of feeding
  • Saves your time and money - allows to make recipes easier and faster
  • WinMix has a reasonable price and payback within a few months of use, depending on the volume of production enterprises
  • WinMix has a rich functionality, we regularly add new features and provide it to our customers with updates
  • WinMix - it`s a significant competitive advantage, a guarantee that the issue of feeding is adjusted properly, it is cost-effective production

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