Tetra.Commercial Layer Management Guide

The TETRA brand name represents tradition and quality all over the world and research and development programs, expertise, dynamic and committed colleagues serve as a basis for this brand name. The range of Tetra layer hybrids consists TETRA-BLANCA, TETRA HARCO, TETRA-SL, TETRA-SL LL, TETRA L SUPERB, TETRA-AMBER, TINT.
The white egg layer which is suitable for both industrial and table egg production irrespectively of the management system. Very low feed consumption and feed conversion makes her the most economical choice for egg processors.
TETRA SL is the most popular brown egg layer. She has outstanding resistance against climatic and management conditions, the highest livability on the market and excellent egg quality. These properties make her market leader in many European countries. Concerning feed conversion rate she is competitive with any other brown egg layers on the market.
TETRA SL LL is selected for longer laying up to 100 weeks of age. Her strenght is in long persistency, which prolong traditional egg production period economically.
This pretty, black feathered, brow egg layer is internationally popular and originates from the USA. HARCO brown layer has excellent livability and tolerates minor deficiencies of feeding and/or technology.
The actual performance obtained will depend on a whole list of factors. Health status, ambient temperature, management and housing system are just some of the influences, which will modify the genetic potential bred into the TETRA-SL.
Nutrition. Commercial Layer Management Guide
- Use any management technique, which stimulates feed intake; for example frequent feed deliveries. Avoid stale or unpalatable feed. stale or unpalatable feed.
- One of the major nutrients for consideration is water. Restrictions on water intake, whether caused by physical means, insufficient drinkers, high water temperature or poor quality, will adversely affect feed intake. This will obviously result in a reduction in all other nutrients. Water requirements increase curvilinearly with temperature (see table for an adult layer).
- While temperatures are below 28°C (82°F) the concentration of metabolizable energy in the feed may be increased in proportion to the decline in feed intake. Beyond 28°C (82°F) energy levels in the ration should be reduced to encourage feed intake and facilitate inclusion of protein.
- Protein requirements for egg production may beregarded as being independent of temperature. Rations should therefore be formulated to provide the amino acid intake required for the egg output potential made possible by the energy intake/heat production surplus (1 gram of egg requires 6.69 kJ energy.
- Tags: feeding, feeding of layers, poultry