Hy-Line. Management guide

10 March 2015 Articles

Hy-Line. Management guide

Hy-Line International today is not only the world's oldest layer genetics company, but is the industry leader in all facets of our business. Hy-Line’s progressing research program guarantees increased egg production, greater disease resistance, improved egg quality and superior livability. All traits that assure our customers of even greater profits from Hy-Line layers in the future.

Management Guide

Hy-Line International markets several commercial products across the global marketplace to fit the needs of the individual market.

        • Hy-Line W-36

Efficient, High Performing,More Eggs in the Carton. The Hy-Line W-36 is the world’s most efficient egg layer with excellent livability

            • Hy-Line Brown

Prolific Producer, Rich Brown Eggs, Hardy Layer. Hy-Line Brown is the world’s most balanced brown egg layer. She produces over 355 rich brown eggs to 80 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size.

            • Hy-Line Silver Brown

Prolific Producer, Medium sized eggs, Rich Brown Eggs, Heavier mature body weight. Hy-Line Silver Brown is the world's most prolific egg layer.

            • Hy-Line Sonia

Prolific Producer, Light Tinted Eggs, Hardy Layer. The Hy-Line Sonia/Gray is the world's leader in tinted egg production.

All Hy-Line products are designed to have good livability, superior feed efficiency and the highest egg quality, increasing the potential profit that can be achieved from the initial investment in the started pullet.

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